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Join our Sixth Form in September 2025

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Welcome to



A Welcome from our


“We pride ourselves in being a school that is happy and driven by our core values. Every student is developed as a confident learner and our inclusive curriculum has been structured through strong partnerships locally, nationally and internationally.”

Mrs Emily Vernon

Why we think you should

​​​​​​​Choose our sixth form

  • North Liverpool Academy has always been so helpful and supportive in my journey to university. The teachers and sixth form staff have consistently motivated me to achieve everything I'm capable of, and have inspired me to work towards prestigious and aspirational destinations.

    John Teare - Former Sixth Form student

  • North Liverpool Academy Sixth Form inspired me to reach my goals and aspirations and with the support of my teachers, amazing staff and my friends I received an offer from Cambridge. I hope to carry on progressing in my adult career with valuable skills and attributes I've garnered over the last 2 years here and I'm ever grateful.

    Bashar Rovezi - Former Sixth Form student

  • North Liverpool Academy has always been so helpful and supportive in my journey to university. The teachers and sixth form staff have consistently motivated me to achieve everything I'm capable of, and have inspired me to work towards prestigious and aspirational destinations.

    Eve North - Former Sixth From student

  • Due to the amount of opportunity NLA supplies to students, it allows students to enrich their cultural capital, so when applying to such universities, we have many different aspirations that differ from those of the rest.

    Elisa Gerxhalija - Former Sixth Form student

  • Our results 2024

  • 0%

    Into Russell Group Universities

  • 0%

    A* - B in A Levels

  • 0% PASS RATE

    BTEC Courses

  • Upcoming Events