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Our newly launched Quantum Pathway is designed to offer students the perfect blend of skills and experiences in one of the fastest growing employment industries. Liverpool has a strong economic foundation in the digital sector, providing a wide range of opportunities for students to progress into employment or further education.

This pathway is for students who want to build a career in software engineering, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, big data analytics, or any other related technical digital career. If you want to become a creator of technology and use your strong foundations in maths and computer science to fuel innovative projects, then this could be the pathway for you.



Suitable Subjects

A-Level Computer Science

A-Level Mathematics

A-Level Further Mathematics

A-Level Physics

A-Level Economics

BTEC Business Studies

BTEC Engineering

A-Level Psychology



Software Developer

Big Data Analyst

App Developer/Programmer

Web/Games Developer

Systems analyst

Systems Architect

Network Engineer

Cybersecurity Analyst

Machine Learning Engineer


University Courses and Apprenticeships

Computer Science

Software Engineering


Experiences and Partnerships

VEXIQ robotics

Lego Mindstorms

Trips to Bletchley Park

Jaguar LandRover

First NW Virtual Railway Hub


NLA eSports Team and compete in the local/national league