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Sport Honours Pathway


As you might expect at a Sixth Form in the heart of North Liverpool, Sport is one of our most popular and successful pathways. Our Sports Pathway combines physical activity with physiotherapy, nutrition, coaching and teaching.

Our purpose-built state-of-the-art sports facility includes a full- size AstroTurf pitch for football and hockey; three netball courts and tennis courts; two 11-a-side grass football pitches, a rugby pitch, three outdoor basketball courts, a sports hall, fitness suite and four modern sports studies classrooms. Our focus on the Sport Pathway is as much on what happens outside the classroom as inside. You’ll get the opportunity to launch and run sports events using NLA facilities and work with students from other schools and local community groups to really make a difference in your sporting specialism.

Suitable Subjects

BTEC Sports

BTEC Applied Science

BTEC Travel & Tourism

A-Level Biology

A-Level Psychology

BTEC Health and Social Care

BTEC Business



Personal Trainer

Sports Coach

Sports Development Officer

Sports Therapist


Sports & Exercise Psychologist

Exercise Physiologist

Fitness Centre Manager

Clinical Scientist

University Courses and Apprenticeships


Applied Sports Science

Sports & Exercise Science

Sport & Management

Sport & Exercise Psychology

Health Science

Sport Coaching & Fitness

Sport Studies

Adventure Sport Science

Coaching & Sports Development

Sports Therapy & Rehabilitation

Sports Journalism

Sports TV and Radio

Experiences and Partnerships

Local/National/International competitions

Event management and production

Stadium visits

Outward bounds trips