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North Liverpool Academy is committed to safeguarding children and promoting children’s welfare and expects all staff, governors, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment and maintain a vigilant and safe environment.

Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and other linked policies can be accessed through the Policies page.

Here are some useful links. 

Key Safeguarding Staff

Direction of Inclusion and Designated Safeguarding Lead: Gemma Perischine

Inclusion Manager & Deputy DSL: Laura Murphy

Safeguarding Link Governor: Rod Dubrow-Marshall

The nominated governor for dealing with allegations against the Principal: Prof. Rod Dubrow-Marshall (Chair of Governors)

Useful phone numbers

Liverpool Children’s Services (CASS) – 0151-459-2606

Knowsley Children’s Services – 0151-443-2600

Sefton Children’s Services – 0151-934-4013

Wirral Children’s Services (Wirral Integrated Front Door Team) – 0151-606-2008 (9am to 5pm) or 0151-677-6557 (any other time)

Keeping children safe online

Please click on the following links to find useful information about helping to keep children safe:

Mental Health

Healthy relationships

Honour Based Abuse & Harmful Practices



Mental Health and Well-Being

Our aim is to provide mental health and well-being advice, support and signposting for all students, parents and staff.

We all have mental health and good mental health is a valuable asset that will allow you to complete tasks effectively and efficiently.

In order for us to support mental health and well-being, we have a number of projects, support sessions, lessons, external agencies and activities in school.

We are continually updating our knowledge to allow us to drive forward our aim and to provide a platform that can be accessed by all.