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Meet our Senior Leadership Team, SEND and Support staff.

Our Senior Leadership Team

  • Mrs E Vernon

    Mrs E Vernon


    Mrs Vernon has been a member of the Senior Leadership Team since the school opened in 2006. She has been principal since 2018. After working in a number of schools as Curriculum Leader for Mathematics, she was a leading member of the Teaching and Learning team at Anfield Community Comprehensive school, one of NLA’s predecessor schools, where she was a Mathematics Advanced Skills Teacher.

  • Mrs A Cawood

    Mrs A Cawood

    Vice Principal – Behaviour and Inclusion

    Mrs Cawood joined North Liverpool Academy in 2024 and she leads the strategic priorities of attendance, behaviour and inclusion across the academy. She has thirty years’ experience of working in a variety of schools across the North West of England, and has been working in Liverpool for 5 years.

  • Mrs H Darlington

    Mrs H Darlington

    Assistant Principal - Curriculum and Vocational Learning

    Mrs Darlington is a Geography and Travel and Tourism teacher who joined NLA in 2013. She is the Quality Nominee for all BTECs, taking the lead for all of the vocational qualifications as well as leading on our ever-developing curriculum across the school.

  • Ms A Kennedy

    Ms A Kennedy

    Assistant Principal - The Learning HUB, Community, Enrichment and Wellbeing

    Ms Kennedy, a Sports teacher who joined NLA in 2010, manages our Learning Hub and collaborates with our community partners to ensure that NLA remains an active member of the local community. Through enrichment programmes, summer school activities and wellbeing strategies, her teams ensure that NLA is a nurturing and supportive environment.

  • Mr C Welch

    Mr C Welch

    Acting Assistant Principal - Data and Outcomes

    Mr Welch joined our Senior Leadership Team in September 2019 in an acting role. He is leading the area of data, tracking and analysis of outcomes in order to target different groups of students and ensure that all students reach their goals. He leads the reporting process for parents so they are informed of their child’s progress throughout their journey here at NLA.

  • Mrs K Johnston

    Mrs K Johnston

    Assistant Principal - KS3

    Mrs Johnston has worked at NLA since 2009 as a member and leader of the MFL department. She is now our strategic leader for Key Stage 3 on our strategic priority and the NLA Scholars Programme. Mrs Johnston also focusses on the transition from primary to secondary as well as tracking the progress in Key Stage 3 in preparation for Key Stage 4.

  • Mr A Johnston

    Mr A Johnston

    Head of Sixth Form

    Mr Johnston has worked at NLA since 2016 as a member of the Business Studies team. He joined the sixth form team in 2022 and has more recently taken over the role as Head of Sixth Form. He strategically leads the curriculum and extra-curricular provision as well as the pastoral support for all KS5 students.

  • Mr I Mooney

    Mr I Mooney

    Strategic Lead on Partnerships and Assessment

    Mr Mooney leads on assessment across the Trust to analyse reading and ability. He also develops strategies for enhancing literacy and oracy. This has included the introduction of Latin at NLA. Separately, he works on forging links with other schools with a view to staff working together on projects and students gaining access to scholarships to further their education.

  • Ms G Perischine

    Ms G Perischine

    Director of Inclusion

    Ms Perischine has been a member of the Inclusion team since the school opened in 2006. She began as Head of Redmond House and now leads the team of Year Leaders, Inclusion Support Staff and the Attendance Team.

  • Mr S McGhee

    Mr S McGhee

    Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning

    Mr McGhee joined our school in 2016 as the Curriculum Leader for Science. He now leads the variety of pathways for the development of Teaching and Learning, which are open to our staff as well as working with a variety of teacher training providers to ensure that we train the best teachers for our students.

Our SEND Team

  • Mrs L Parkes

    Mrs L Parkes


    Mrs Parkes joined NLA as a consultant after having considerable experience regionally in leading SEND in a variety of schools. She joined NLA as SENDCo in 2021 and is supported by the Assistant SENDCo Mrs J McDonald.

Our Support Staff

  • Mrs V Davies

    Mrs V Davies

    PA to the Principal

    Mrs Davies joined our school in 2013 as a member of the Reception team and has since advanced to become the senior member of the administrative support team. She supports Mrs Vernon, our Principal, and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), in addition to overseeing the daily operations of our administrative team.