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We have over 20 different enrichment clubs running every year. These are advertised to students on posters and in the school app. A few of them are listed below:

Duke of Edinburgh Award - It's available to two year groups at NLA. Year 9 students have the opportunity to complete the Bronze Award, while Year 12 students work towards the Silver Award. For the Bronze Award, Year 9 students are required to participate in physical activities, develop a skill, and engage in volunteering.

eSports - Our Sixth Form students participate in leagues and competitions, honing their skills and working as a team. They have competed nationally and are an enthusiastic and very competitive community.

Robotics – We participate in and also host VEXiQ robotics competitions both locally, regionally and nationally. The team have become very successful in building robots and completing competition tasks against other teams.


Football & Netball Teams – We have a variety of different sports teams for each year group who compete on a local level.

Karate - We have recently offered Karate as an enrichment club for Karate which is delivered by an external expert in the field. We are hoping to recruit more participants in the future.

Rowing - We have a very successful rowing squad who have competed in the regionals and came out victorious. This is provided with the support of Warrington rowing Club.

Chess - We have a beginner’s club, our school team and our elite team. We host and compete in many competitions throughout the year and the Merseyside Youth Chess Association will be running their clubs from NLA next year. Our Elite team came second in the England’s Schools Chess Competition 2023.