North Liverpool Academy Rewards System
At North Liverpool Academy, we believe in celebrating students who show dedication, resilience, and a positive attitude toward learning. Our Rewards System is designed to recognise and encourage outstanding effort in every lesson.
How It Works
Each lesson, students receive an Attitude to Learning (ATL) grade ranging from 1 to 4:
Grade 1 – Exceptional attitude and engagement
Grade 2 – Good effort and participation
Grade 3 – Some effort but room for improvement
Grade 4 – Concern with engagement and attitude
At the end of each week, tutors review the ATL tracker and identify a student in their form for the following criteria:
- The student with the best overall attitude to learning
- The most improved student that week
These students will receive a Rewards Voucher, which can be cashed in at Student Services for a selection of prizes.
Termly Rewards & Prize Draw
To further reward commitment and consistency, students who meet the following criteria will enter a prize draw at the end of each term:
- Attendance of 95% or higher
- The highest number of Grade 1 ATL scores
Winners will be chosen through a wheel spin draw during assembly, with prizes including:
- Shopping vouchers for Liverpool ONE stores
- Online gaming vouchers
- Clothing and technology vouchers
At North Liverpool Academy, we want to inspire students to strive for excellence while making learning a rewarding experience. Keep up the hard work and aim high!
Grade 1 | Grade 2 | Grade 3 | Grade 4 |
- I use my imagination to come up with new ideas.
- I find the links and patterns in ideas.
- I share my ideas with others and build on them in interesting ways.
- I try out different ways to reach my goals.
- I welcome other peoples ideas and feel confident talking about my own.
- I use new ideas to improve myself and my community.
- I work with others to achieve goals.
- I actively listen to what people are saying.
- I help and support my teammates and make sure everyone is involved.
- I feel confident in different team roles and when leading my team.
- I know how to solve conflicts when they happen.
- I use teamwork to improve myself and my community.
Risk Taking
- I can describe how safe I feel in different situations.
- I know how to risk on purpose by facing my fears.
- I try new experiences and learn new skills.
- I learn from my mistakes and from good role models.
- I understand that I can change.
- I know I have the right to feel safe all of the time.
Problem Solving
- I break down problems into manageable steps.
- I use reason and ask the right questions.
- I find the right information and people to help me.
- I look at problems from other people’s point of view.
- I imitate others to help me improve.
- I help solve my own problems and improve our community.
- I challenge myself by trying new things.
- I get really into what I am doing and can manage distractions.
- I notice when things are going well or badly.
- If at first I don’t succeed, I try, try again...
- I ask for help when I need to.
- I believe I can create my own future by being open to change and making the right choices.
- I make time to think carefully about what I have done.
- I am open to change and find new opportunities.
- I am positive and set SMART goals and targets.
- I know how I learn and pay close attention to how I improve.
- I take my learning into new situations.
- I share my learning to help others and improve my community.