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North Liverpool Academy's most recent Ofsted inspection took place in April 2022. We were delighted to receive a 'Good' rating across all categories.

What does the school do well? 

  • Trustees and governors have high ambitions for the school. They maintain a relentless focus on improving the life chances of all pupils. 

  • All pupils follow the same ambitious curriculum. Pupils, including students in the sixth form, study a wide range of courses. 

  • Pupils show positive attitudes towards their learning. Typically, pupils learn well in a calm environment with few interruptions. They conduct themselves positively around the school, including at break and lunchtime. 

  • Trustees and leaders have a clear focus on pupils’ readiness for life beyond the academic curriculum. There is a carefully considered programme in place to ensure that all pupils can develop their personal skills. 

  • Pupils, and students in the sixth form, benefit from a well-designed careers programme. This helps to raise pupils’ ambitions and improves their employability. 



“Pupils and students experience a wide range of opportunities outside of lessons. These activities widen their horizons and deepen their understanding of the world.” 

North Liverpool Academy is a school that sits at the heart of the local community.”

“Pupils are friendly, welcoming and polite. They respect and celebrate differences between people. Pupils said that they feel happy and safe.” 

“Pupils enjoy their learning without distraction. They are punctual to lessons. Pupils behave sensibly and have fun during social times.”