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Our school is a place of words, spoken, written and read.

Literacy and oracy are vital skills in learning and life. A central objective at NLA is to extend the vocabulary and literacy of every pupil. Summer schools before entry to year 7 begin the journey with language and you will see words all around North Liverpool Academy.

Language is central to every aspect of learning at school and is developed by all teachers in every department and lesson. Literacy and oracy are supported across school by all staff in all lessons as well as by a team of specialists who deliver formal assessment, development sessions for vocabulary, individual support through phonics, guided reading and enrichment throughout the school curriculum.

We hold year group assembles where students present and invited authors speak with the students. Co-curricular clubs include debating, family history and classical civilisation and are designed to encourage talk both inside school and at home.


Language is central to everything we do in our lives and it is fun!



Our students are encouraged to talk, read and present. Everyone has a voice which is valued at NLA.



Click below to explore the wonderful Oracy strategies we use with our students:


 At North Liverpool Academy, Mathematics lessons are not just centred around numbers, but the use of language too. Our students learn how to vocalise their methods and enhance their oracy skills. We are devoted to creating exemplary orators by using specific oracy strategies that are decisive, integral, and embedded in our lessons. Whether it be through group discussions, use of mini whiteboards, presenting at the board or masterclass activities, Maths at North Liverpool Academy offers developmental and deployable oracy skills that will enhance the future progression of our students. 


In Science lessons across North Liverpool Academy, correct use of scientific language is vital to build successful scientists of the future. Throughout the Science curriculum students are encouraged to use key words in the correct context and in full sentences to demonstrate their scientific understanding.  We are dedicated to creating students that can articulate their views on scientific breakthroughs with passion and enthusiasm. The strategies that are embedded into our curriculum to promote this oracy include: structured debates, prepared presentations, group discussions, and structured scientific vocabulary. 


In Geography lessons across North Liverpool Academy, we include oracy in a variety of curricular and extra-curricular activities. We expect students to think carefully about the vocabulary they choose and ‘speak like a geographer’. We encourage formal language within the classroom and we push students to extend their explanations verbally. If students are able to build their confidence verbally, this has an impact of written work and exam practice. Oracy is an important life skill that will help our students to aspire for success. 


History lessons at North Liverpool Academy provides a focal point for oracy with an emphasis on the skill of debate. While our curriculum provides a myriad of opportunities for expressing oratory skills through Key Stages Three, Four and Five, we also facilitate a plethora of extra-curricular activities that thrive on an environment of oratory strategies. Students enjoy the opportunities given in classroom settings to participate in group discussions, debates, group and individual presentations and a variety of role-playing scenarios. Seeing History come to life through these examples of oratorical activities really provides our students with a chance of achieving the best outcomes possible. 


Spanish classrooms are naturally a communicative environment. Speaking activities are found in every lesson, with pupils being offered regular opportunities to communicate in a variety of ways. During the speaking process in Spanish lessons, the focus has previously been on the accuracy of the spoken language and pronunciation. We have developed our oracy policy further to not just focus on the spoken word but also on the way in which the message is delivered. Activities have been developed to focus on the pupils’ physical and cognitive talk, and to offer further opportunities for pupils to express themselves and their expression and intonation.


In Computing lessons across North Liverpool Academy, we value every word and recognise the need to support student oracy and written literacy skills in addition to the development of their digital literacy.  We ensure there is a variety of oracy activities embedded into our everyday practice, allowing NLA students within Computing to be articulate in their use of spoken and written subject vocabulary.  Core concept and hinterland topics show the thread of oracy use across the key stages, allowing students many opportunities to put into practice their breadth and depth of vocabulary gained through earlier topics. 

Animal Care

In Animal Care lessons across North Liverpool Academy, we value every word. Each word that is expressed a deeper understanding of the care of animals within a home and a working environment.  We are devoted to creating an inclusive environment where everyone’s voices are heard and they are in a position to share their own experiences. This is done in a variety of situations including during small group handling sessions with the animal care departments animals in addition to whole class debates. The main focus of these oracy activities are on handling and the implementation of UK law based on the safety of animals and their handlers/owners. 


In Art lessons across North Liverpool Academy, we encourage discussion, critique, debate and presentations about students work and the work of others art and artists. This is effective in extending our students’ knowledge of artistic concepts and principles, along with developing the appropriate language for discussing works of art – the Art Formal Elements.  


In Business at North Liverpool Academy, we aim to provide students with a rich vocabulary to support them in their understanding of the topics covered in our curriculum. The vocabulary used helps support the students to articulating business and economic concepts in a meaningful way. We help support and guide our students to be able to use the terminology in a number of ways, for example Business games, group discussions, role play and exam techniques. 

Creative Media 

In Creative Media lessons across North Liverpool Academy, we strive to constantly discuss the latest topics and issues in the larger world of media. This might include applying theories to a section of a film, discussion how a certain stereotype has been represented on a selection of magazine covers, or simply sharing our own thoughts on why a media product has been produced in a particular way. Across the curriculum, opportunities are embedded to introduce learners to new media language to ensure that they have the confidence to fluently express their own idea and respond to tasks verbally.  

Health and Social Care

In Health and Social Care lessons across North Liverpool Academy, we value the importance of student voice and the need to allow students to develop their oracy skills.  Good oracy skills have been proven to provide better outcomes for all students. Communication is at the heart of Health and Social Care; without it, Health Care patients and residents would not feel valued or cared for. Therefore, it is vital that our students develop these skills, not only for the work sector they wish to pursue, but also as a key skill  for self development. Role plays, clinical debates, presentations and recitation techniques are just a small example of the oracy skills we share with our students.

Travel and Tourism

In Travel and Tourism lessons across North Liverpool Academy, we give students every opportunity to speak to each other. Being able to communicate well is critical to success in school and in future careers, students are allowed to develop these skills in the classroom. In Travel and Tourism, we provide students with opportunities to practice interview techniques, class presentations and act as student teachers. We also help to structure conversations that they might have should they work in the sector in the future. Travel and Tourism at North Liverpool Academy offers oracy skills that will enhance our student’s employability skills as well as making them better learners. 


In Physical Education across North Liverpool Academy, we ensure oracy is developed across all key stages to ensure students have the ability to communicate effectively in all sporting scenarios:  

Analysis of Performance

Officiating in Sport

Coaching in Sport 

Prepared Presentations 


In Music lessons across North Liverpool Academy, we value every word. At Key Stage three and four in Music there is a practical based curriculum. The pupils learn instrumental skills and complete performances for their assessments. We wanted them to be able to talk confidently and appropriately about their performances in class so we devised a table of key technical terms and sentence starters in order to get them to structure their feedback successfully. 


In PSHE lessons across North Liverpool Academy, we value every word. Each word that is expressed forms a pathway into the ideas that our students produce regarding our broad curriculum.  We are devoted to creating exemplary orators by using specific oracy strategies that are decisive, integral, and embedded in our lessons. Whether it be through group discussions, structured debates, prepared presentations or role-playing activities, PSHE at North Liverpool Academy offers developmental and deployable oracy skills that will enhance the future progression of our students.   

Performing Arts

In Performing Arts lessons across North Liverpool Academy, oracy is at the epicentre.  Our students talk about their creative ideas, and negotiate with others about how best to present them.  Students share their performance work, and then feedback, critically analysing specific elements of repertoire. We endeavour to develop our students’ confidence talking in different scenarios, promoting adaptability and creativity in communication. 


In Economics lessons across North Liverpool Academy, oracy is the main vehicle for communication. We want pupils to be articulate and passionate about economic issues and be able to express their opinions and reasoning fluently.  Economics provides a number of opportunities to develop pupil’s confidence and vocabulary whether it be through group discussions, structured debates, prepared presentations or question and answer activities, Economics at North Liverpool Academy offers developmental and transferable oracy skills that will equip pupils for their future careers. 

Children need to be confident and effective communicators to become empowered young citizens.


At North Liverpool Academy we have a comprehensive school library for the use of all students.

There is a range of fiction and non-fiction books, suitable for all reading abilities. You can come and read, browse or do homework in a calm, friendly, relaxed atmosphere.

You can find the library in room 1027 on the first floor at the front of the building.

Library Opening Times are:

Monday – Friday – 8am – 8.25am
Monday – Friday – break times
Monday – Friday – KS3 lunch time – Reading club
Tuesday & Thursday – 3pm – 5pm – Homework club/ Reading club
Friday 2.20pm – 3pm.

For more guidance on reading at home please take a look at these documents below. If you require any information or guidance, please contact Ms Evans as above.