Mrs Johnston’s Top 10 Tips for Year 7
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Preparation is key. Always pack your bag the night before. Ensure you have all the equipment you need for the next day and your PE kit on the day you have PE.
Maintain a consistent bedtime. A good routine is essential and will allow you to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for a new day.
Invest in an alarm clock. You need to be up early as school starts at 8.30 am.
Have breakfast. A good breakfast at home or school is the perfect way to get your brain in motion for the rest of the day.
Practise tying your tie. You will need to put it back on after PE. Remember, we should see at least five stripes.
Always use your planner. Write down your homework clearly and try to complete it on the night it is set.
Set realistic goals for your first term. These will help you stay motivated.
Be proud of your personal achievements. Share these with your friends and teachers. Be proud to be you!
Don’t be nervous. Secondary school is a daunting time for everyone. Many students will feel the same as you. Smile and be approachable. Consider joining some after-school clubs to meet friends with similar interests.
Be brave and step out of your comfort zone. You won’t be expected to know everything, but teachers love when you try your best and give things a go.