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Year 6 - Transition Initiatives

Parents’ Information Evening

This is an evening in July on which parents are invited to attend in order to receive all the necessary information to ensure a smooth transition from Primary School to North Liverpool Academy. 

There will be a brief presentation from the Principal and a chance to meet your child’s form tutor. Students find out which house they are joining at NLA and will be able to purchase their ties.

Students do not need to attend this parents’ information evening as they will receive this information during the Induction Day visit.


Students’ Induction Day

We are always extremely excited to invite all of our new Year 6 pupils starting with us in September to our Induction Day in July.

The visit will be an opportunity for all students to familiarise themselves with the environment and take part in a number of exciting activities throughout the day. Students will also be told which form they will join and also get the opportunity to meet their form tutor, progress leader and year leader.

Lunch will be provided for all students on this day. Please ensure that your child wears their Primary School uniform to the induction day.

The entrance is on Heyworth Street; your child should be here for 8:25 am and they are to be collected at 2:15 pm.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch by phone on 0151 260 4044 or email [email protected]